(Anticipate Release Date: Winter 2009)
Dear Friend,
I am honored that you would take the time to explore this website and humbled to share my hobby with you. Bread Time Stories and More “The Book” will teach you a simple method of bread making and tell the wonderful stories created by giving away free bread. My hope is that you will be inspired by the stories and be motivated to share your talents and gifts with others.
My story began about 10 years ago when I was in pursuit of the perfect pizza. My family soon tired of eating pizza 4 times a week and encouraged me to switch to bread making. I was then making 8-12 loaves of bread per week and needed a “taste panel”. My work colleagues filled the bill. It was then I was realized the power of sharing gifts, affirming the work of others, giving thanks and just creating a positive experience around a simple loaf of bread.
Bread Time Stories and More “The Book” will tell how in almost 10 years I developed over 40 recipes and given away over 10,000 loaves of bread to family, friends, colleagues and strangers. My “free bread” project has spread across the region and I have created over 150 stories that will make you laugh, sometimes cry and always stimulate a thought.
You’ll find that the true reward of sharing your talents and gifts is knowing that you can make a difference in your own life and the lives of others. My gift is just a loaf of bread. I encourage you to find your talent and gift and share it with others as often as you can.
I am sure you will enjoy Bread Time Stories and More. I also would be interested in hearing your bread stories and any special recipes you may have. Drop me an email and I will let you know when the book is ready for purchase.
Chet Fery